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S04E05 - Everything You Need to Know About Consistent Hashing

In today's episode, we will go through Consistent Hashing

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S4E04 - Network as Code

In today's episode, we will go through Network as Code

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S4E03 - Choose your database Wisely

In today's episode, we will go through a database choosing strategy

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S4E02 - ICYMI AWS re:Invent 2023 (Recap)

الا زكلتي AWS re:Invent 2023 سمع هاة الحلقة : S3, RDS Aurora, ElasticCache, OpenSearch,Amazon Q

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S4E01 - Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems

Join me in this insightful episode as I delve into the intricate world of fault tolerance in distributed systems. In an era where our reliance on distributed systems is ever-growing, understanding how these systems handle and recover from failures is paramount.

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S3E22 - Lift and Shift: An Essential Guide

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Lift and Shift شنو هيا ولاش كيصلاح و الاجبابيات و السلبيات ديالها

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S3E21 - Leaderless replication

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Leaderless replication شنو هوما ولاش كيصلاحو و كفاش كيخدم و الاجبابيات و السلبيات ديالو و الفرق بينو وبين single-leader replication و Multi-leaders replication

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S3E20 - Hinted Handoff

فهاد الحلقة غندويو علىHinted Handoff شنو هوما ولاش كيصلاحو و كفاش كيخدم و الاجبابيات و السلبيات ديالو

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S03E19 - Gossip protocol

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Gossip protocol شنو هوما ولاش كيصلاحو و كفاش كيخدم و الاجبابيات و السلبيات ديالو

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S03E18 - Exploring Service Mesh Bridging the Gaps in Microservices

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Service Mesh شنو هوما ولاش كيصلاحو و كفاش كيخدمو

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S03E17 - Load balancing Algorithms

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Top 6 Load balancing Algorithms شنو هوما ولاش كيصلاحو و كفاش كيخدمو

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S3E16 - Raft Consensus Algorithm

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Raft Consensus Algorithm شنو هو ولاش كيصلاح واشنو الفرق بين Paxos Agreement ..

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S03E15-Domain driven-design (DDD)

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Domain driven-design (DDD) شنو هو ولاش كيصلاح واشنو الفرق بين Hexagonal architecture و Clean architectue ..

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S03E14 - Continuous integration/Continuous delivery

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على CICD شنو هو ولاش كيصلاح واشنو الفرق بين Continuous delivery Peering و Continuous deployment ..

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S03E13 - AWS VPC Lattice

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على AWS VPC Lattice شنو هو هاود السرفيس الجديد ديال AWS ولاش كيصلاح واشنو الفرق بين VPC Peering و AWS Transit gateway

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S03E12 - Edge computing

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Edge computing شنو هو ولاش كيصلاح واشنو الفرق بين Edge location و Edge runtime و serverless

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S03E11 - 12 Factors app

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على 12Factors app شنو هيا ولاش كتصلاح واشنو العلاقة ديلها ب Cloud-native

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S03E10 - Banking as a Service

فهاد الحلقة غندويو علىBanking as a Service(BaaS) شنو هيا ولاش كتصلاح واشنو الفرق بينها وبين OpenBanking و BaaP

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S03E09 - Two-phase commit

فهاد الحلقة غندويو علىTwo phase commit (2PC) شنو هيا ولاش كتصلاح واشنو الفرق بينها وبين Saga

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S03E08 - Cloud bursting

فهاد الحلقة غندويو على Cloud bursting

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S03E07 - Containers as a Service (CaaS)

فهاد الحلقة غندويو علىContainers as a Service (CaaS)

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S03E06 - Distributed system

بغيتي تعرف الفرق بين Microservices و Distributed system سمع هاد الحلقة

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S03E05 - Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code فالحلقة ديال اليوم غنشوف 

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S03E04 - Microsoft Azure certifications

فالحلقة ديال اليوم غنشوف الانواع ديال الشهادات لي عند Microsoft Azure

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S03E03 - Deployment Strategies

فالحلقة ديال اليوم غادي نشوفو 6 ديال Deployment Strategies الفرق بينتهم و خصائص كل وحدة منهم

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S03E02 - Database inside container

فالحلقة ديال اليوم نديويو واش خاص نديرو قاعدة بيانات فوسط منcontainer ولا لا ؟

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S03E01 - Database replication

فدهاد الحلقة غندويو على replication فقواعد البيانات شنو هيا ولاش كتصلاح

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S02E22 - Saga pattern

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S02E21 - Pub/Sub pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Pub/Sub pattern

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S02E20 - Federated Identity pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Federated identity 

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S02E19 - Geode

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Geode 

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S02E18 - CAP Theorem

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about CAP Theorem 

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S02E17 - Sharding pattern

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S02E16 - Gatekeeper pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Gatekeeper pattern

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S02E15 - Caching patterns

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Caching patterns

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S02E14 Anti-corruption Layer pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Anti-corruption Layer pattern

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S02E13 - Event Sourcing pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking abou Event Sourcing pattern

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S02E12 - Message broker

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Message broker

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S02E11 - Message queuing

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Message queuing 

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S2E10 - CQRS pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about  CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern

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S2E09 - BFF (Backend for frontend)

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about  BFF (Backend for frontend) pattern

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S2E08 - Circuit breaker pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Circuit breaker pattern

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S2E07 - Ambassador pattern

In this episode of season 2, we're talking about Ambassador design pattern

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S2E06 - Sidecar pattern

In this episode, we're talking about the Sidecar pattern

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S2E05 - Containerization & Docker

In this episode, we're talking about Containerization & Docker

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S2E04 - Virtualization

In this episode, we're talking about Virtualization

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S02E03 - Site Readability Engineering (SRE)

In this episode, we're talking about Site Readability Engineering (SRE)

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S2E02 - AWS specialty certifications

In this episode, we're talking about AWS specialty certifications

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S2E01 - AWS core certifications

In this first episode of season 2, we're talking about AWS core certifications

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EP22 - Route53

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على Route53 In this episode, we talked about  Route53 http://s7aba.ma https://linktr.ee/s7aba #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco #infra #a #dns #aaaa

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EP21 - High Availability in AWS (HA)

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على High Availability in AWS (HA) In this episode, we talked about  High Availability in AWS (HA) http://s7aba.ma https://linktr.ee/s7aba #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco #asg #scalability #infra #ha #ft #dr

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EP20 - Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على Elastic Loader Balancer (ELB) In this episode, we talked about Elastic Loader Balancer (ELB) #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco #asg #scalability #infra #elb

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EP19 - Auto Scaling Group (ASG)

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على Auto Scaling Group (ASG) In this episode, we talked about Auto Scaling Group (ASG) #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco #asg #scalability #infra

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EP18: AWS CloudFormation

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على AWS CloudFormation In this episode, we talked about  AWS CloudFormation #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco #cloudformation #infraascode

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EP17: Elastic File System (EFS)

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على Elastic File Syetem (EFS) In this episode, we talked about  Elastic File System (EFS) #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco #efs

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EP16: Elastic Block Store (EBS)

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على Elastic Block Store (EBS) In this episode, we talked about  Elastic Block Store (EBS) #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco

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EP15: AWS Security groups

فهاد الحلقة دوينا على AWS Security groups In this episode, we talked about  AWS Security groups #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco

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EP14 - EC2 Placement groups

EP14: EC2 Placement groups فهاد الحلقة دوينا على EC2 Placement groups In this episode, we talked about  EC2 Placement groups #aws #ec2 #podcast #cloud #darija #morocco http://s7aba.ma https://linktr.ee/s7aba

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EP13 - AWS Elastic compute cloud (Ec2)

In this episode we talked about AWS Elastic compute cloud (Ec2)

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EP12 - AWS Organizations

In this episode we talked about AWS Organizations 

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EP11 - benguerir's (UM6P) Data center

All you need to know about benguerir's (UM6P - Faculté de Gouvernance, Sciences Economiques et Sociales) Data center

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EP10 - AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM)

In this episode, we talked about AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM)

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EP9 - AWS Simple storage service (S3)

In this episode, we talked about AWS Simple storage service (#S3)

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EP8 - AWS Cloud Service

We talked about #AWS Cloud storage services such: #S3 #Glacier #EBS #FSx #Luster #StorageGateway #EBS #cloud #kubernetes

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EP7- Cloud storage

In this episode we talked about Cloud storage: The what? and the how? and the why?

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Ep 6 - Database as a service AKA DaaS

In this episode, we talked about DaaS (Database as a service) what is it? , the benefits, and different cloud providers flavors  #cloud #daas #database #aws #gcp #azure 

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Ep 5 - Database vs data warehouse vs data lake

In Episode we will talk about Databases, Database type,  Database vs data warehouse vs data lake

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Ep 4 - What is serverless?

In this episode, I talked about serverless: definitions, pros&cons, cloud services #lambda #dynamoDB #fargate #caas #faas #daas 

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Ep 3 - AWS Compute services (lightsail, EC2, Beanstalk, Lambda...)

With Achraf we talk about AWS compute services specifications and when to use each one

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Ep 2 - Deployment models (public vs private vs hybrid cloud)

In this episode, I talked about the difference between public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud

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Ep 1 - Cloud services

In this episode, I gave a small historical background about Cloud and we discuss important cloud services such IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS

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Ep 0 - Cloud definitions

In this First Ep of the S7aba Podcast, I introduced myself and the podcast concept I finished the Ep with general definitions of cloud.